Update labels
Update labels for a concept. Label requests containing coactive image ids or image paths already in use will overwrite existing labels. Label requests with an empty label value will delete an existing label for that image/keyframe identifier.
Path parameters
The unique identifier for the concept
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Labels for the concept. A label with an empty label value will delete any existing labels associate with the provided image or keyframe
The number of negative labels to add
The user that created the resource
The created datetime of the resource
The user that last updated the resource
The datetime the resource was last updated
The name of the concept
The unique identifier for the concept
The unique identifier for the dataset
A description for the concept
Threshold above which classification is positive
How strongly the model adapts to the training labels. Regularization strength. Lower value means the model fits more heavily to the training data